David Garner: "Die gefleusterte Zukunft" for soprano and piano trio (Poet: Schiller, World Premiere, April 17, 2021, SF)
Hannah Lash: "Wild Sage" for piano trio (World Premiere, April 17, 2021, SF)
Valerie Liu: "Cassandra Effect" for cello and piano (World Prmiere, April 17, 2021, SF)
Jessica Rudman: "Cassandra, or Don't Girls Love Horses?" for soprano, cello, and piano (Poet: Kendra Preston Leonard, World Premiere, April 17, 2021, SF)
Mary Kouyoumdjian, "Moerae" (The Fates), for piano trio (West Coast Premiere, April 17, 2021, SF)
Elinor Armer: "Matrix," for soprano and piano (Poets: Ursula Le Guin and Rella Lossy, World Premiere, March 8, 2020, SF)
David Garner: "The Light Within the Dark, for soprano, English horn, violin, cello, and piano (Poets: Gini Savage and Rhina Espaillat, World Premiere, March 8, 2020, SF)
Brennan Stokes: "Mother Love" for soprano, violin, and piano (Poet: Rita Dove, World Premiere, March 8, 2020, SF)
Carlos dos Santos, "Eu durmo comigo," soprano, piano (Poet: Angelica Freitas, World premiere, January 26, "56x54: But Wait! There's More!" SF)
Scott Etan Feiner, "Paper Money," soprano, piano (Poet: Barbara Crooker, West Coast Premiere, January 26, "56x54: But Wait! There's More!" SF)
Sam Krahn, "Missed Connections," selections (Poet: Craigslist listings, West Coast Premiere, January 26, "56x54: But Wait! There's More!" SF)
Derek Jenkins, "Nach Raum und Zeit, #1-3 (Poet: var., West Coast Premiere, January 26, "56x54: But Wait! There's More!" SF)
Melanie Mitrano, "Phobias & Infatuations, #3-4" for soprano, piano (Poet: Melanie Mitrano, West Coast Premiere, January 26, "56x54: But Wait! There's More!" SF)
David Garner: Die Eichne Tuer, for soprano, English horn, violin, cello, piano (Poet: Paul Celan, World Premiere, April 15, SF)
Jared Redmond: Nachtlang, for soprano, cello, piano (Poet: Paul Celan, World premiere, April 15, SF)
Stephen Eddins: A Song for the End of the World, for soprano, cello, piano (Poet: Czeslaw Milosz, in translation by Anthony Milosz, World Premiere, April 15, SF)
R. Michael Daugherty, "The Sandpiper" for soprano, cello, piano (Poet: Celia Thaxter, World Premiere, June 29, "56x54: Focus on the Cello," SF)
Juliana Hall: Lovestars, for soprano, cello, piano (Poet: e.e.cummings, West Coast premiere, February 4, "56x54+Gorecki," SF)
Leah Kennedy: "Love's Dissolve," for soprano, violin, cello, and piano (selections) (Poet: Susan Adams-Johnson, West Coast Premiere, February 4, "56x54+Gorecki," SF)
Lawrence Kramer: "Ricercar" for solo cello (World Premiere, June 29 "56x54: Focus on the Cello," SF)
David Luna: "From Lamentations: I am one that has seen affliction" for soprano, cello, and piano (World Premiere: June 29, "56x5: Focus on the Cello," SF)
Mike McFerron: Winter Solstice, for cello and piano (West Coast Premiere, February 4, "56x54+Gorecki," SF)
Weiwei Miao: "The Road Not Taken" (Poet: Robert Frost, World Premiere, February 4, "56x54+Gorecki," SF)
Gene Pritsker: "In School-Days" for soprano and cello(Poet: Conrad Aiken, West Coast Premiere, " June 29, "56x54: Focus on the Cello," SF)
Frederick Schipizky: "Sonia's Letters" (U.S. Premiere, June 29, "56x54: Focus on the Cello," SF)
Gladys Smuckler Moskowitz: "Manic Screaming" for soprano, cello, and piano (Poet: Cheryl Yuzik, World Premiere, June 29, "56x54: Focus on the Cello", SF)
Patrick Castillo: Incident, for cello and piano (West Coast Premiere, November 19, "56x54+Armer+Garner," Berkeley)
Mario Carro, "Alta Mar" (U.S. Premiere, April 8, "The "Guernica" Project," SF)
Morgan Greenwood: Birds in a Particle Motion, for solo cello (West Coast Premiere, November 19, "56x54+Armer+Garner," Berkeley)
Jeffrey Hoover: "Burning Giraffe" (West Coast premiere, April 8, "The "Guernica" Project," SF)
Molly Joyce, "One" (West Coast premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Andrew List: On the Wing, for soprano and piano (selections) (West Coast Premiere, November 19, "56x54+Armer+Garner," Berkeley)
Eden Lonsdale: "Mosaic" (U.S. premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Daniel Mehdizadeh: Cello Sonata (U.S. premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Justin Merritt: "Three Prophecies, #3: the great famine" (West Coast premiere, October 30, 56x54, Berkeley)
Klaus Miehling: "Nanny" (Poet: Charles Leconte de Lisle, world premiere, January 17, "International/Modern," SF)
Klaus Miehling: "Larmes" (Poet: Jean Richepin, World premiere, January 17, "Internationa/Modern,"SF)
Stephen Mitton: "Urban Haikus (selections) (U.S. premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Polina Nazaykinskaya: "A Glimpse of Hope" (West Coast premiere, January 17, "International/Modern," SF)
William Price: A Southern Prelude, for piano (West Coast Premiere, November 19, "56x54+Armer+Garner," Berkeley)
Justin Henry Rubin: "Day That I Have Loved" (Poet: Rupert Brooke) (world premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Grace Xu Schott: "Capoeira" (West Coast premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Alexander Skripko: "The Child on the Shore" from "Three Songs of Ursula Le Guin" (West Coast premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Christopher Wicks: Love Is Strong As Death, and A Song for All Maries, from "Four Songs on Poems by Christina Rossetti" (West Coast premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Mercedes Zavala: "Ha nacido el dolor," from "La sed" (U.S. premiere, April 8, "The "Guernica" Project," SF)
Martyna Kosecka: "Nepheles" (U.S. premiere, June 4, "56x54 Redux," SF)
Franz Waxman: "The Little Mouse" and "The Garden" (from "The Song from Terezin," World premiere of new arrangements for E4TT, January 17, "International/Modern, SF)